Homeworld 3 emperors revenge
Homeworld 3 emperors revenge

homeworld 3 emperors revenge
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Their Acolyte fighters also have each a pair of ion cannons, which makes them extremely dangerous as they can attack in large groups.

  • Beam Spam: All Bentusi tradeships have three pulsing Ion Cannons, which have incredible tracking abilities and are more than capable of destroying any ship, including fighters.
  • Though instead of giving you actual ships they sell technology which gives you the ability to build them.

    homeworld 3 emperors revenge

    Arms Dealer: Several times to you in Homeworld and Homeworld 2.And I Must Scream: The fate of any Bentusi whose ship is infected by the Beast in Cataclysm, which is why they'd rather have themselves blown into a billion pieces.The Kharak Genocide and subsequent rebellion pretty much spelled their death knell.Ī mysterious trader race that frequently stop by and helps Kushan's fleet and Hiigara. Vestigial Empire: By HW1, the Taiidan Empire had become a shell of its former self as a result of rampant corruption and decadence, forced to rely on mercenaries like the Turanic Raiders just to keep the Empire together.The Beast cooperates with them just long enough to have its engines repaired on the Naggarok, and then betrays them. Too Dumb to Live: In order to get revenge on the Hiigarans for resulting in the empire's destruction and taking Hiigara away from them, the Taiidan remnants make an alliance with the Beast in order to get influence.They were eventually absorbed into Makaan's empire by HW2.

    homeworld 3 emperors revenge

    The Remnant: After the liberation of Hiigara, Taiidani imperialists continued to haunt the Hiigarans and the Taiidani Republic for well over a century, even allying themselves with the Beast in an bid to regain power.Whatever we have been driven to now is your fault. You took the life of our immortal emperor. Taiidan Flagship Captain: What choice do we have, Hiigaran? Your mad quest shattered our imperial sphere. Never My Fault: Their explanation for working with The Beast in Cataclysm rings very hollow when they try and make themselves seem like the victim when everything that's happened to them since then is their own damn fault.The Empire: At the time of the game, they were one of the most powerful civilizations in the galaxy, though they had grown corrupt and decadent with more focus on a massive military and oppressive policies to keep their citizens in line.So they would rather have the entire galaxy be swallowed whole by The Beast, than be reduced as another fallen empire in the footnotes of history. They cannot accept that the larger galaxy of civilizations could exists beyond their Empire's reign. Spiteful Suicide: Despite the obvious one-sidedness of their alliance with The Beast, which will inevitably result in The Beast coming for them too, the Taiidani Imperialists do not care about the consequences.Didn't Think This Through: The Taiidani Empire publicly broadcasted the destruction of Kharak in an attempt to dispel any notions of rebellion from its increasingly restless populace.Deflector Shield: Taiidan have the Defense Fighter and Defense Field Frigate as their faction-exclusive units in Homeworld.Deal with the Devil: The Imperial Taiidani's alliance with the Naggarok.

    Homeworld 3 emperors revenge manual#

    Cloning Blues: Cataclysm's manual names the Taiidan Emperor Riesstiu IV the Second and states that the rebel had to destroy his genetic material to prevent him having a successor created by cloning, implying he himself is a clone of a previous emperor.The Caligula: The Taiidan Emperor was well known for being an erratic, unstable individual even before ordering Kharak's destruction.Stealth in Space: The Kushan have Cloaked Fighter as faction-exclusive unit in Homeworld.The Galactic Council exiled the Hiigarans away into space shortly after, some of them landing on Kharak. Sins of Our Fathers: Their Hiigaran ancestors were just as bad as the current Taiidan until the Bentusi decided to deliver their final beatdown.Their default colors are gunmetal gray with white detailing.

    Homeworld 3 emperors revenge iso#

  • ISO Standard Human Spaceship: Kushan ships are very thick and boxy in design (even with their strike craft!).
  • Fighting for a Homeland: After Kharak's destruction, the original purpose of the Hiigara expedition turned into this.
  • homeworld 3 emperors revenge

  • Drone Deployer: One of two Kushan-exclusive unit is Drone Frigate which carries dozen of the things armed with mass driver, though you can't give commands to the drone itself.
  • Doomed Hometown: Kharak in Homeworld canon.
  • The Kushan storyline is considered canonical. One of two playable factions in original Homeworld, the other being Taiidan.

    Homeworld 3 emperors revenge